test your knowledge

on American history

you can find me at: @K_AnnM | Insta | LinkedIn

Everyone isn’t a history buff, and that’s fine. However, there are somethings I truly think you should know. After watching his clip from the O’Reilly Factor I am utterly applauded with my generation of Americans.  On Memorial Day, O’Reilly Factor correspondent Jesse Watters headed to a Long Island beach to ask beach-goers basic U.S. history questions like “Who did America fight in the Revolutionary War?” and “What was the Civil War about?” Are those questions you can answer without Googling? Take a look at the clip blow and let me know your thoughts.


Take it from Glenn Beck my friends, “We know our educational system is bad, right? But if you asked simple questions about the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, you would think that we would know [the answers],” Glenn said on radio this morning. “Here is the stunning result.”